On August 23, Smart Learning Institute of Beijing Normal University (SLIBNU) and the National Engineering Laboratory for Cyberlearning Intelligent Technology jointly released the Educational Robots White Paper 2019: The Global Development at the 2019
Introduction: On April 10th, 12th, 15th, 18th ,19th, 2019, on behalf of the International Community for Open Education (ICOE), SLIBNU will hold the sixth Smart Education Webinar of which the topic will center on the domain of Open Educational Resourc
DuringJanuary 4 th to 8 th , 2019, Beijing Normal University Smart Learning Design Education Academic Week, hosted by Beijing Normal University (BNU), organizedby the Faculty of Education of BNU, Smart Learning Institute of Beijing Normal University
4 Days Webinar 12 Invited Presenters from 6 Countries More than 300 Participants from 10 Countries In response to the national artificial intelligence strategy, SmartLearning Institute of Beijing Normal University held a webinar on the topic of How w
On September 4th, the 11th International Cognitive Load Theory Conference (ICLTC 2018) is openedat Beijing Normal University. Itwas hosted by BNUand International Cognitive Load Theory Association(ICLTA), organizedby the Smart Learning Institute(SLI)
On July 9, two Co-Dean and team went to India to attend The 18th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2018), Dean Ronghuai Huang served as the chairman of this conference, Dean Dejian Liu was invited to deliver a key
On June 27 - July 1, Prof. Ronghuai Huang from Beijing Normal University National Engineering Laboratory for Cyberlearning and Intelligent Technology and his team went to UK to participate Festival of Learning the19th International ConferenceonArtifi
Nowadays, global education is still facing many difficulties and challenges, such as the unbalanced development of education, political instability, environmental degradation, natural disasters, natural resources competition, and the challenge of popu
On 21 to 25 March 2018 The Webinars lasted for 5 days. It has I nvited 17 guests from 1 3 countries. It has a ttracted more than 300 participants from over 10 countries. Participants spontaneously formed a number of parallel sessions for heated discu
On March 19th, the Third US-China Smart Education Conference continued to produce fruitful results. Experts from China and the US had inspiring discussions on hotspot issues related to AI, ICT-based technology, smart campus and the two countries’ co