Spanish Ministry of education official website: More than 10,500 teachers in Spain participated in the 2020 online courses of the National Institute of Educational Technology and Teacher Training Institute

date:2020-08-04 19:21author:小编source:Spanish Ministry of educationviews:

The Ministry of Education and Professional Training (MEFP), through the National Institute of Educational Technologies and Teacher Training (INTEF) New Window, makes available to the educational community a wide range of training aimed especially at teachers. The online training courses, divided into two editions, will bring together 10,573 teachers this year.

In the first edition, held between March and June, 5,773 teachers from all over Spain participated in the 21 courses that made up the offer. These courses, which also contribute to the development of digital teaching competence, are certified with 70 hours of training.

The second edition, which will take place between September and November, has been reoriented to reinforce two key aspects of teacher training: education for the digitalization era and the promotion of equity and attention to student diversity. These two lines, priority for the MEFP, have become especially relevant during the confinement caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, which has forced the classroom classes to be suspended and replaced by distance learning.

Of the 16 courses that make up this second edition, which will have 4,800 participants, five are related to strengthening the competence of teachers in the design of experiences, teaching and evaluation in virtual environments and in the creation of digital resources. Two of them, 'Teaching at a distance', with 1,190 applications, and 'Evaluation of learning in the Distance mode', with 573, were the most demanded.

Working in these virtual environments also generates the need to guarantee the security and digital rights of students. To improve the knowledge of teachers in this field, this edition offers training on data protection and privacy in educational centers.

In order to ensure that the school continues to be an instrument for equal opportunities and to provide an individualized response to the learning needs of students, and taking into account that the present circumstances may accentuate situations of starting inequality, a set of specific courses. They cover topics such as diversity education, prevention and action against bullying, educational care for the Roma school population, didactic updating in language teaching, the field of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) and education for sustainable development (ESD).

These 2020 online training courses are complemented by other activities that promote methodological changes such as the Classroom of the Future, which will be completed with a wide and varied training offer during the first quarter of the 2020-2021 academic year.

Source: Spanish Ministry of education official website July 24.
