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the PÚBLICO: Covid-19: almost 80% of Porto's students felt more anxious
date:2020-06-30 09:40author:小编source:the PÚBLICOviews:
Almost 80% of students in higher education in Porto say they felt "increased anxiety or depression" because of the covid-19 pandemic. A survey of 2217 public, private and cooperative higher education students from the Porto academy, carried out in the first week of this month - between 1 and 8 June - concluded that 78% of students said they felt "an increase in the state of anxiety, depression or other", said Marcos Alves Teixeira, president of the Academic Federation of Porto (FAP), in a telephone interview with Lusa. The student leader confessed that he was "shocked" by the results of the pandemic on students' mental health.
Of the almost 80% of students who felt "an increased state of anxiety, depression or otherwise, only 36% said they had access to timely and accessible help solutions," added the president of the FAP, noting that there were "64% of students who would need support during the pandemic without access to a rapid and affordable solution".
Regarding distance learning, the survey indicates that 27% of students said they had no resources, or the resources they had were not adequate to follow classes and participate in evaluation moments. "These data cause us some concern, especially if the distance learning model has to continue at the beginning of September, with the start of the new school year," said the president of the FAP, recalling that this inequality has already been "denounced countless times" by the FAP.
Another conclusion of the study that Marcos Alves Teixeira highlighted was that more than half of the students (53%) said that their household lost income during the pandemic. The study also states that, among the percentage of displaced students, more than half say they have difficulty in continuing to pay for housing. As far as loss of income is concerned, two-thirds of the scholarship students are part of households that have lost income.
Among non-grant students who are displaced from the household, 64% assumed difficulty in bearing the expense of housing and 18% responded that they are even considering leaving higher education.
"These are worrying numbers and deserve two readings. If on the one hand they mean that there may be an increase in dropout among those already within the higher education system, on the other hand they may make us guess that secondary school pupils who are in the same condition may not even compete for higher education. If nothing is done, the pandemic will be destroying all the efforts that have been made over many years to broaden the social base for recruitment to higher education," he noted.
The survey shows that the pandemic has left students in higher education, in this case the academy in Porto, with "families of the poorest students", with students having "difficulty paying for housing" and mental health "deteriorating", he concluded.
Source: the PÚBLICO