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Cofina Media: The Minister stated that post-pandemic higher education will no longer be taught remotely
date:2020-06-07 20:15author:小编source:Cofina Mediaviews:
(Portugal) Manuel Heitor, Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education, believes that teaching stems from "human interaction." One of the main lessons that can be learned from the coronavirus pandemic is that society must "learn from risks and learn to coexist with risks."
Manuel said that Portugal must understand how to stand out in the European context, and put forward its own higher education strategy, focusing on "existence". He emphasized that the correct positioning of higher education is particularly helpful to pay attention to spreading the ideas of learning and survival at risk to society and individuals. Paulo Macedo, the current CEO of Caixa Geral de Depósitos (bank), believes that the coronavirus has not changed everything, and “we still need people's general characteristics: so-called soft skills, such as resilience, motivation and leadership”.