SIC Notícias:Colleges and students prepare end of semester with different forms

date:2020-06-01 20:03author:小编source:SIC Notíciasviews:

The covid-19 pandemic forced higher education students to switch, in March, the campuses of their colleges and polytechnics to their homes and, although some institutions have already resumed part of the classroom activities, teaching continues to be done mostly from a distance.
As the end of the second semester approaches, the institutions finalize preparations for the usual exam season, which this year takes place under exceptional circumstances, with solutions ranging from written exams, oral assessments by videoconference or face-to-face exams, with the rules that the current context requires.
At the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Lisbon (FFUL), the model that is on the table for the exam season, which starts on Monday, is that of written, synchronous tests, with surveillance through the Zoom videoconference platform.
Even at this stage, institutions remain attentive to students' difficulties in accessing computers and the Internet, and therefore many allow students who are unable to take synchronous exams at home to do so on the campus, through school equipment.
"Most assessments are being done in writing and the teachers either choose to take an exam and allow time for resolution, either a whole day or even a week, or propose a job", he explains, stressing that, in his case , these elements are part of the continuous assessment, since there are no final exams.” João Barreiros explains.
Católica is one of the institutions that resumed, in May, some classroom activities and, in these cases, the evaluation will also be in person. UCP students are among the few who will be able to return to campuses to take the usual final exams, the old-fashioned way, but they are not the only ones.

Also at the Faculty of Science and Technology of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa (FCT-UNL) this will be a possibility from next week and the institution predicts that about 60% of the exams will be in person.
At ISCTE, the 1st exam season will also be mixed and the coordinators of each discipline will be able to decide on the 'online' model or on-site tests, which have been carried out in the large 'campus' study room.
However, considering that "assessment by exam is the right of all students enrolled in ISCTE courses", the rectory, led by Maria de Lurdes Rodrigues, decided that the assessment in the 2nd season will be entirely in person and, for this, reserved 12 rooms in the facilities of the International Fair of Lisbon (FIL), which will start to be used from Monday.
"The option for the face-to-face assessment modality in the 2nd season and in the special season is justified by the need to guarantee a time that offers all students an opportunity to evaluate under equal conditions", says the institution.
