Globo:Some Portuguese students return to school, but must take protective measures and maintain social distance

date:2020-05-25 10:39author:小编source:Globoviews:

About 200,000 Portuguese students in the last two years of high school (16 and 17 years old) will resume classes on May 18. But they must take a series of protective measures, such as mandatory wearing of masks, washing hands when entering and leaving the school, and adjusting the curriculum and teaching locations to ensure the distance between students.
The kindergarten will also reopen, but in the first two weeks of opening, parents who choose to keep their children at home will continue to receive financial assistance from the government. Students in other grades will continue to receive remote education through virtual platforms and TV channels.
In order to minimize contact, the students will be grouped and returned to school at different times. The break time and meal time are also strictly separated. The entry and exit of each group will be organized in order to prevent the chance of cross infection.
Portugal hopes to minimize the risk of contagion among students who are in the "decisive year of obtaining higher education and entering a new life". In recent weeks, the armed forces have distributed more than 4 million masks, 17,000 liters of disinfectant, and other sanitary equipment to the education center.
Portuguese Prime Minister António Costa said: "In the next school year, we will have to live with Covid-19."

