ELPAIS: Spanish government considers limiting class size to 15 students

date:2020-05-19 10:24author:小编source:ELPAISviews:

To reduce the risk of spreading new coronaviruses, the Spanish government and various regions of the country are working together to establish a maximum class size limit for the upcoming new school year. The possible limit for each class is 15 people.
At present, some areas with independent management rights in education allow 28 students in a primary school class and 40 students in a high school class. The Ministry of Education and the local government believe that it is not feasible to separate the existing classes, and at the same time there is not enough funds to hire more teachers and expand the size of the school. A feasible solution is to establish a student shift system, that is, let students take turns in school in the morning and afternoon, every other day or every other week, and study at home the rest of the time.
A spokesperson for the education department said that unlike in March, teachers now have enough time to prepare for the online teaching section. In addition, compared with not entering the school at all, in this mixed online + on-site teaching mode, students can regularly contact with teachers, and the reduction in class size will also enable teachers to pay more attention to each student. Of course, not all schools adopt the same mixed teaching model. In the rural areas with a small number of students, students will be able to maintain normal classes without relying on online teaching. In urban schools, the problem will be much more complicated, and each school also needs to choose the teaching mode that best meets the requirements of the Ministry of Education according to its own situation.
