USA TODAY:Coronavirus school closures push out student teachers. Will US teacher shortage get worse?

date:2020-04-11 15:57author:小编source:USA TODAYviews:

With the sudden and long suspension of classes across the United States, schools have switched courses to online education. Relevant experts and workers are concerned that in the remaining school year, the increasing shift to distance learning will limit the opportunities for normal students to access the leading curriculum and manage the classroom.
According to research by the Institute of Economics and Politics, by 2025, the US is expected to have a gap of 200,000 teachers. Once there are not enough teachers, many classrooms will lack long-term leaders. But education officials and universities say they are working hard to ensure that school suspensions will not affect new teachers joining the full-time faculty.
In Kentucky, to become a qualified teacher, students need to teach for 70 days under the supervision of a supervisor. Normally these teachings are conducted in the classroom, and occasionally there are university administrators to supervise. But now, teachers and normal students can only teach through the Internet. Rob Akers, Deputy Commissioner of Educational Licensing, wrote in the memo: If normal students and supervising teachers conduct distance learning together, the time spent in distance learning (often called non-traditional teaching) can be counted as Teaching time for students. "
Unlike many states, Florida does not require normal students to complete a certain number of days or hours of teaching in class to be certified. Instead, student teachers must complete a nationally recognized teacher preparation program and pass specific abilities or skills. During the coronavirus outbreak, the leaders of Florida did not formulate guidelines for normal students, but allowed each agency to independently decide the work of normal students for the rest of the semester.

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