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Pedagogical continuity: The French Ministry of National Education and the La Poste mobilized to maintain the link with students and their families
date:2020-04-21 15:10author:小编source:The French Ministry of Nationaviews:
While all schools have been closed since March 16 in the context of the current health crisis linked to the coronavirus, the Ministry of National Education and Youth and the La Poste are tightening a little more the links uniting these two public services to families, in order to guarantee the continuity of the public service of education to all students in mainland France and overseas.
The first project is intended to organize a secure distribution of computer equipment that would be available in schools and educational establishments (tablets and laptops), in agreement with the municipalities, departments and regions, from the educational establishment that manages the inventory of its attributable stock and the list of beneficiary students. In order to avoid any displacement of parents, the La Poste services are thus responsible for distributing to families identified as distant from digital devices the packages containing the computer equipment prepared in the establishments, and they will respect the protective measures of the last meter, without contact or signature.
In addition, the Ministry of National Education and Youth and the La Poste which is supported by its digital subsidiary Docaposte, are launching a second project, "Homework at home". It enables students with digital disconnection to receive homework by post. This project pursues three objectives: firstly, to ensure weekly transmission of homework prepared by teachers to parents of students who do not have access to digital tools. Secondly, to offer free return by post of homework completed by students. Thirdly, to digitize the homework completed in order to allow it to be dematerialized and consulted by the teachers concerned.
From the end of the week, each accredited primary and secondary school will be able to connect to the platform developed by Docaposte. Also, the homework uploaded will be printed, enveloped and finally sent to students in the situation of digital disconnection.
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