Amelie Lemieux, an assistant professor of education who studies digital literacy, said that professors across Canada should consider (if possible) breaking through traditional teaching methods in the coming weeks. She pointed out that teachers need to tell students very clearly the changes in assessment methods, provide clear guidelines on how to use technical teaching, and allow students to try different technical tools. Lemieux also recommends that teachers set more breaks in the middle of the course to allow students to participate in online interactions.
Karsenti, chairman of Canada ’s Educational Communication Technology Research, said that the rapid development of online education has provided potential for the rapid development of online education, but it also highlights some deficiencies in the online education system. He pointed out that the Wi-Fi access capability in some areas of rural Canada is still poor, and about 6.5% of Canadians said they cannot access the Internet at home. "Many students rely on their mobile phone data to go online, but in the long run, this is not the ideal solution."
(Excerpt from Global News,, March 16, 2020 day)