【新书推荐】Leading Smart Education

发布时间:2025-03-18 17:51作者:admin来源:北师大智慧学习研究院点击量:

Leading Smart Education

Best Practices from Chinese Schools




Haijun Zeng, Ying Hu, Jianjiang Hao, Zhuo Zhang

  1. Illustrates best practices in smart education in Chinese schools with 72 case studies
  2. Showcases China's smart education practices from various perspectives
  3. Promotes exchange of experiences in smart education in China and abroad

About this book

This book focuses on best practices in smart education in Chinese schools. It showcases the achievements of Chinese schools in smart education since the comprehensive implementation of the educational digital transformation in China. These selected case studies explore smart education practices from various perspectives, such as innovative practices in teaching and learning, the construction and application of digital platforms, resources, and tools, smart educational and teaching evaluation, and the construction of smart campuses. It enriches understanding of the current status of smart education in Chinese schools and is a useful reference for researchers, teachers, policymakers, and school administrators across the globe. 


Smart Education for Schools, Typical Cases of Smart Education in China, Smart Campus and Smart Classroom, New Teaching Mode, Comprehensive Quality Evaluation of Students, Teacher Professional Development, Application of Teaching Platform and Tool, Innovative Application of Online Learning Space, Collaborative Education, School Management and Services

Table of contents

Editors and Affiliations

Smart Learning Institute, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China

Haijun Zeng

Audio Visual Educational Institute of Qinghai Province, Xining, China

Ying Hu

Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou, China

Jianjiang Hao

National Engineering Research Centre of Cyberlearning and Intelligent Technology, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China

Zhuo Zhang


About the editors

Dr. Haijun Zeng is the vice dean of the Smart Learning Institute of Beijing Normal University, China, the deputy director of the Educational Informatization Strategy Research Base (Beijing) of the Ministry of Education, and the deputy director of the National Engineering Research Center of Cyberlearning and Intelligent Technology. His main research interests include online education and Digital Learning Support (DLS) service system.


Dr. Ying Hu is Ph.D. of Educational Technology at Beijing Normal University, China. She is also an associate research fellow at the Audio Visual Educational Institute of Qinghai Province. Her main research interests include online learning, digital classroom instruction, and rural education.


Dr. Jianjiang Hao is a master supervisor at Northwest Normal University, China. His research directions mainly include the application of intelligent technology in education, digitalization of rural education, educational informatization planning, and the integration of information technology and curriculum. He has published multiple papers and led or participated in various projects at different levels, including the Ministry of Education, provincial, and municipal levels.


Ms. Zhuo Zhang is a project manager at the National Engineering Research Centre of Cyberlearning and Intelligent Technology, Beijing Normal University, China. Her main research interests include smart education and the application of artificial intelligence in education.

Read More: https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-981-97-8148-5?sessionid=-1398649662