Dean Ronghuai Huang was invited to attend the eSTARS 2020 International Scientific Conference and delivered a keynote speech.

date:2020-11-04 20:01author:小编source:Smart Learning Instituteviews:

On December 1-2, 2020, National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE) in cooperation with the global educational platform Coursera held the eSTARS 2020 International Scientific Conference online. The main topic of the eSTARS 2020 is “Transformation of Education to Meet Global Trends of the Digital Economy.” It brought together experts, educational leaders and representatives of the business community, discussing the main challenges that education faces in a rapidly digitalizing economy.

Prof. Luciano Saso, President of UNICA, chaired the forum of "The impact of COVID-19 on online learning: challenges and good practices”. Dean Huang was invited to attend the forum and delivered a keynote speech. The guests participating in the forum included Sergey Roshchin, Vice Rector of HSE University; Sorin Costreie, Vice-Rector of University of Bucharest; Francisco Marmolejo, Education Advisor of the Qatar Foundation; Carmela Cales-Bourdet, Vice-Rector for Internationalization of Universidad Autónoma de Madrid; Yi Ren, Vice Rector of University of South Queensland, etc.
eSTARS 2020 will provide a platform for scientific and expert community to discuss topical issues, which universities face today due to the increase of the mutual influence of digital technologies, economics and education. For instance, what management decisions and schemes will be relevant and effective to support the digital transformation of universities? Under the influence of new digital technologies, how is the educational system changing at the global, regional and local levels and what do these changes bring to every single university? On what key points should successful universities focus their efforts and finances? What demands do digitalized companies make to educational system and competencies of graduates?
On eSTARS 2020 International Scientific Conference, Prof. Huang Ronghuai, Dean of Smart Learning Institute of Beijing Normal University and Director of UNESCO International Research and Training Center for Rural Education, delivered a keynote speech entitled "Deepening the Education Reform through the third Wave of Online Education.
Prof. Huang introduced the online teaching the learning during the school closures from Chinese experience during and after COVID-19 pandemic. He also elaborated the 7 basic facts about the online education, from both of instructional design perspective and organization perspective, and discussed the online merge offline learning (OMO) model, which is generated from the three waves of online education and will deepen the education reform. From the perspective of students, new educational pattern will be reformed during the post-pandemic era, conducted by flexible learning and active learning. Several basic concerns will be proposed to promote the reform of Internet based education, which needs the joint research and cooperation among countries.