UNESCO:COVID-19 Education Response Policy Webinar ‘Education Policy for Continuity of Learning through Alternative Delivery Modalities in Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Timor-Leste’

date:2020-06-09 08:22author:小编source:UNESCOviews:

2 June 2020. UNESCO organized a sub-regional webinar on Covid-19 Education Response Policy and broadcasted through UNESCO Jakarta Facebook Live. The webinar aims to sharing the national education policies and strategies adopted or newly developed for the country’s immediate actions in order to explore strategic ways to address challenges amidst and post-situation of COVID-19 for continuity of learning for all. Around 110 participants were present the Webinar, they represented the Ministries, National Government Institutions, Education Centers, Universities, Regional Organizations, Education Experts, National Commissions for UNESCO and Schools. There were around 121,186 peopled reached and interacted through UNESCO Jakarta Facebook during and post the event.
The webinar was officiated by Prof. Shahbaz Khan, Director and Representative of UNESCO Jakarta and Prof. Arief Rachman, Executive Chairperson, Indonesia National Commission for UNESCO. The key presentations were given by the high level education officers from the cluster countries: 1) Ms Marina Chek  Bujang, Director General of Education, Ministry of Education, Brunei Darussalam; 2) Dr Iwan Syahril, Director General of Teachers and Education Personnel, Ministry of Education and Culture, Indonesia; 3) Dr Habibah Abdul Rahim, Director- General of Education, Ministry of Education, Malaysia; and 4) Mr Nepomuceno A. Malaluan, Undersecretary, Department of Education of the Philippines. (5), Ms. Odilia Martins, Director-General of Planning, Policy and Inclusion, Ministry of Education Youth and Sport, Timor-Leste. Unfortunately, Ms. Martins were not able to complete her presentation due to connection destruction.
The Speakers had the opportunity to share the strategies in their countries, including the issuance of adopted or newly developed national policies, guidance, acts, regulations, to enable the students to continue their learning due to school closure, the challenges of its implementation, and ways to address them.
In his closing remarks, Prof. Shahbaz Khan, stressed the importance of working together to overcome the challenges in implementing the COVID-19 education response policy to keep achieving the SDG4. He also extended his sincere appreciation to all speakers/panelists and participants for joining the webinar. The initiative is part of UNESCO’s supports to its cluster countries within its mandate in education in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The webinar is accessible on: https://www.facebook.com/UNESCOJakarta/videos/275963960258774/


