International Webinar: Futures of Education: How to Assure Quality Higher Education during University Closures

date:2020-04-14 14:25author:小编source:Smart Learning Instituteviews:

In face of the challenges and opportunities amid the volatile and complex landscape worldwide, education and learning have already become humanity’s necessary survival tools and renewable resources. In September 2019, UNESCO launched the “Futures of Education” initiative which aims to rethink education and shape the future. However, due to COVID-19 outbreak, global education has been severely impacted. According to UNESCO statistics, as of April 11th, 2020, some 1.5 billion learners in 192 countries were not able to attend school or university, accounting for 91.4% of the students around the world. The COVID-19 outbreak has pushed schooling onto online platforms, while exposing various imperfections in the field of digital education. Despite the serious challenges, we have been inspired to rethink how education should work in the future, especially how to keep providing quality higher education at this moment. Also, we should work out educational solutions and innovate smart education by utilizing the advanced information technologies like big data and artificial intelligence.
In response to “Futures of Education” initiative, SLIBNU will hold an international webinar entitled “Futures of Education: How to Assure Quality Higher education during University Closures” on Friday 17:00-19:00, April 17th, (GMT+8). The webinar aims to explore the frontier themes of “Futures of Education”, higher education, smart education, etc. It has invited academics, researchers, experts and policy makers in the field of education worldwide, including Dr. Chris Dede, Professor of Harvard University, U.S.A.; Dr. Diana Laurillard, Professor of UCL Institute of Education, U.K.; Dr. Barbara Wasson, Director of Centre for the Science of Learning & Technology (SLATE), University of Bergen, Norway, etc. The guests will share their experience and discuss how to response the challenges of global education and the opportunities of future education, as well as how to maintain quality higher education during university closures.
The link of the ZOOM platform for this webinar is
Looking forward to your presence!
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